Available courses

Coming soon, as it's currently under construction

The content within this course was developed for the Rural Support Service (RSS) to service the 6 regional local health networks.

The content is the same, however, the following items have not been included within this site...

  • assessments
  • skills

To access this, you will need to be enrolled by the website administrator.

Hello, I am "PeriopRob", a perioperative nurse with over 35 years of clinical, educational and professional experience.

In terms of clinical, I have worked within perioperative environments within both South Australia and Victoria. In terms of educational environments, I was a postgraduate nursing educator at an Australian university. And it terms of the professional environment, I have held various roles within my perioperative Local Association (South Australian Perioperative Nurses Association or SAPNA) as well as the Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN).

The content contained within this course was presented to undergraduate nursing students at both the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia between 2008 until 2011.

While much of the content remains the same, listeners are advised to check with their facility for up-to-date information and resources.